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Food sector tipped for strong growth: AFGC

Australia's food industry is tipping strong growth despite the economic difficulties afflicting some sectors.

Releasing the Australian Food and Grocery Council's (AFGC) fifth annual economic State of the Industry snapshot, Council chief executive Gary Dawson said this showed remarkable resilience in the industry.

That's despite an environment in which costs are rising on every input, increasing regulation is lifting compliance costs and retail price deflation continues to cut margins.

"There are signs of significant growth potential," Mr Dawson said in a statement.

"In particular, a 26 per cent increase in capital investment in food manufacturing as suppliers increase investment in productivity initiatives such as automation and other cost reduction programs."

Mr Dawson said there was also solid export growth in processed food and drink, with suppliers responding to emerging market opportunities, especially in Asia.

"This has significantly contributed to three consecutive years of improving trade surplus in processed food and beverage products," he said.

The study was conducted by consultancy firm KPMG and based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data.

That found industry turnover of $111 billion in 2011-12 - a marginal 0.3 per cent decline on the previous year - and a workforce decline of 1071 to 298,825 in 2012-13.

The industry comprised 25,662 businesses in 2012-13 - 170 fewer than 2011-12 - and spent about $535.8 million on research and development.

It accounted for $50.8 billion of international trade, a 0.8 per cent increase.



Source: Business Spectator, 30 October 2013