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Fair Work Ombudsman to audit Kangaroo Island businesses

The Fair Work Ombudsman is visiting businesses at Kangaroo Island, South Australia in the week of 11-15 November to ensure workers are being paid correctly.

Fair Work Inspectors will audit up to 50 businesses, predominantly in the hospitality, retail and tourism sectors, in Kingscote and Penneshaw and surrounding areas.

As well as checking that workers are being paid correctly, Inspectors will ensure employers are maintaining appropriate records and providing employees with pay slips.

Fair Work Ombudsman, Natalie James, said the region was selected for proactive auditing because it had been a persistent source of complaints in recent years, with about half the complaints resulting in the identification of breaches.

“During the audits Inspectors will work with employers to help them voluntarily rectify any issues found, such as underpayments to staff, and help them put processes in place to ensure compliance in the future.

“They’ll also direct them to free resources and tools at, which have been designed to help employers meet their obligations under workplace law,” Ms James said.

“A key part of the role of the Fair Work Ombudsman is to educate and help businesses, particularly those small businesses which don’t have the benefit of in-house HR staff, about how to comply with workplace laws, and that’s what we’ll be doing when we visit these businesses next month – we’ll be helping them get it right,” she said.

Employers selected for audit have been notified by letter and have also received information about the tools and resources available to help them comply with their obligations.

“We’re encouraging all employers to conduct their own self-audit of compliance with workplace law, particularly payment of wages, using the resources and information we have provided,” Ms James said.

Ms James said a key focus of the campaign will be helping employers employing staff under the General Retail Industry Award 2010, Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, Restaurant Industry Award 2010, Fast Food Industry Award 2010, Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2010 and Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award 2010 to understand their obligations.

Information about the campaign can be found at, as well as a range of free resources that have been designed for employers, such as templates for pay slips and time-and-wages sheets and tools for determining correct rates of pay, like PayCheck Plus.

Employers and workers seeking assistance should visit the website or contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94. A free interpreter service is available on 13 14 50.



Source: Fair Work Ombudsman, 4 November 2013