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R&CA board appoints new national president

The Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA) National Board has appointed its first Victorian President to take the top job in 20 years.

Newly appointed Matteo Pignatelli was elected by his peers at the R&CA Board meeting on Monday 28 October.

The Ivanhoe resident says that he is honoured to be able to give back to the industry that has served him well.

“Who would have thought that from my humble beginnings of making pizzas with dad every weekend from the age of nine, I would be here today?

“I promise to represent and unite the industry to speak one loud voice and to challenge those who put barriers and hurdles before us,” Mr Pignatelli said.

Restaurant & Catering Australia CEO John Hart says it’s great to keep the board fresh with a new national President elected every three years.

“I have confidence that Mr Pignatelli will be able to rise above the challenges that the industry is currently facing with businesses continuing to close - not on just Sunday’s, but for good.

“Wage costs are now on average 45 percent of revenues - this is unsustainable. At the current rate of growth - they will rise to 50 percent by 2015 - this can’t go on.

“But the association is well resourced, active, responsive and providing a better service to our membership during these testing times”, said Mr Hart.

Mr Pignatelli has run Matteo’s restaurant in North Fitzroy over the past 19-years.

Since opening, Matteo’s has built a strong following and a fine reputation, which is not only reflected by its loyal customer base but by the many awards won through Matteo’s commitment to a high standard of cuisine and service.

He now serves as Chairman of R&CA Victorian Council, President of the National R&CA Board and Trustee of R&CA Education Foundation.



Source: Restaurant & Catering Australia, 6 November 2013