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ALSA schooling retailers on store design and layout

The Australian Liquor Stores Association (ALSA) has rolled out the latest module in its Retail Insights professional development program.

Initially launched at the ALSA conference in August, the latest addition to the online training modules is ‘Retail Store Design and Layout’, which ALSA Retail Insights project manager Mal Higgs says will give retailers access to a resource that can assist them with the important decisions in laying out a retail liquor business. 

“The principles of Store Design and Layout are fundamental to the operations of any retail business and should be integral to the business planning process” said Higgs. 

“These principles can have an immediate and significant positive impact on your sales and profit.”

The Retail Store Design and Layout module joins the existing five modules included in the Stage One launch of the program. 

Modules already online include Market Insights; Retail Toolkit Calculator; Retail Merchandising; Shopper Insights; and the Energy Efficiency Information Program, an Energy savings and action plan toolkit. 

Further modules and information will be added to the site in coming months, including the principles of social media, followed by information on how to run a  loyalty program.

“Many retailers are realising that the future success of their business depends on how relevant they are to their customers,” said Higgs.

“ALSA Retail Insights will provide the information and tools they need to make that happen”

The ALSA Retail Insights website can be found at and will be accessible to all for a limited period.



Source: The Shout, 11 December 2013