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Restaurant prosecuted for 25 food safety breaches

Another Bendigo restaurant has been convicted of food safety breaches in the third such case this year.

The director of Asian restaurant Sabah House pleaded guilty to 25 charges relating to an unclean premises, general maintenance and food handling violations.

The Pall Mall restaurant's proprietor was convicted and fined $30,000 and a further $5956 in costs  and the director was fined $10,000 with costs.

City of Greater Bendigo director planning and development Prue Mansfield said the case, which was heard before a Magistrate Tuesday, was disappointing.

"It was disappointing to have to take the business to court, especially after multiple visits to the premises and regularly checking up on the progress they had made," she said.

"But the (council) has a responsibility to ensure food sold in the municipality is safe and the community can have confidence the food they are purchasing will not cause them to be sick.

"Prosecution is a last resort and if a business is approached in regards to food handling and safety, they are encouraged to work closely with (council) officers and take the necessary steps to improve their business so as not to tarnish their reputation and make a possibly costly trip to court."

Any food businesses with questions about their requirements should call 5434 6333.


Source: The Bendigo Advertiser, 11 December 2013