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Majority of states fail alcohol alliance's policy test

The first national scorecard for alcohol policy across Australia has given only three jurisdictions a "pass" mark, and labelled the Federal Government's policy the worst in the nation.

The National Alliance for Action on Alcohol, which incorporates more than 75 organisations across the country, assessed state, territory and federal policies.

The ACT topped the table, but only scored 57 per cent when judged on measures such as restrictions on alcohol marketing, the availability of alcohol and measures aimed as discouraging drink-driving.

Western Australia and Tasmania were the only other two states to pass, with New South Wales bottom in the survey out of states and territories.

Alliance spokesman Professor Mike Daube says the Federal Government received the inaugural "fizzer" award for the worst alcohol policy in the country.

"Only three out of nine jurisdictions achieved an overall pass grade (50 per cent or higher) on their alcohol policy scorecard," he said.

"Simply put, most Australian jurisdictions are failing in developing and implementing evidence-based alcohol policy."


How the jurisdictions ranked:

  • ACT - 57%
  • WA - 53%
  • Tasmania - 50%
  • Victoria - 46%
  • NT - 41%
  • Queensland - 39%
  • SA - 33%
  • NSW - 31%
  • Federal Govt - 29%

He says one area that all jurisdictions could address is alcohol advertising.

"We're just being swamped by alcohol marketing, advertising, promotion. Kids are being constantly exposed to alcohol promotion," he said.

"There is no effective control on alcohol marketing, none at all. and even the current voluntary codes don't even include massive means of promotion like sports sponsorship."

But Professor Daube says it is not all bad news.

"The results highlight common areas of strength where some governments are doing well such as drink driving countermeasures, and treatment and early intervention policies and programs," he said.

"We commend those governments that are clearly taking this problem seriously."

The alliance is calling for an increase in alcohol prices and taxes, and a national alcohol strategy.

Alcohol Policy Scorecard 2013



Source: ABC News, 15 December 2013