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Right POS, Right Time To Upgrade Your POS

How often do you upgrade your POS system?

Yearly? Every two years? Or only when your old system breaks down? Hospitality venue owners often face a dilemma when picking the best, and most cost-effective time for an upgrade.

Below scenarios may help you decide whether it may be time to review and revamp your POS and management system.

Growing customer base: More diners mean more orders sent to the kitchen and in turn more chances of those orders being incorrect or missed. Vectron POS ensures that every order has a tab/table number assigned before it is printed at the bar/kitchen printer enabling your staff to deliver meals accurately. If a printer runs out of paper or malfunctions, the order re-directs to the nearest printer avoiding backlogs.

Expansion on your mind: A business expansion, big or small, brings about added levels of complexity. Whether you are planning a new alfresco area or multiple outlets at new locations, Vectron‘s multi-venue POS can help you manage your operation(s) centrally with live, consolidated staff, sales and stock reporting.

More hands on board: A single or small staff venue may find a basic cash register adequate for operational purposes but as the number of employees increases, you will need an up-to-date POS system which acts as a powerful management tool. Vectron POS can track staff activity with unique logins making staff more conscious of their work style and the reports can be used to run incentive programs.

Old game, new players: One may think that buying an existing venue means the work’s done for you, but this isn’t always true. You may find that the existing POS system is under performing and you cannot achieve the level of control you may want over your new acquisition. Vectron POS provides real time alerts via sms or email to keep you up-to-date with your venue’s performance while at home, on vacation or any other place.

A POS upgrade need not mean a cost upgrade. Vectron will carefully assess your business to provide a tailored POS solution so that you only spend on the features that your venue needs. The software can be teamed with Vectron’s stylish, robust terminals or can run on existing compatible hardware and with convenient lease options and ongoing support, upgrading is not just the right thing to do, but also the easiest.

Call Vectron on 1300 530 509 or write to for more information.


19th December 2013