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New restaurant North Bondi Fish opens on Australia’s most iconic beach

New restaurant North Bondi Fish opens on Australia’s most iconic beach
Interior of North Bondi Fish
Alana Dimou

Taking over the old North Bondi Italian site is North Bondi Fish, the latest addition to the restaurant portfolio of Matt Moran and Peter Sullivan.

Reflecting its seaside location – the restaurant overlooks the white sands of Sydney’s Bondi Beach – the menu is ocean-centric. The blue-eye trevalla is meaty and firm but perfectly cooked, seared on the charcoal grill to smoky perfection and served simply with loosely tossed tomatoes, Roman beans and aromatic basil. It’s a joy to eat, especially overlooking the crashing waves and salty bodies of this beloved Australian location.

Blue eye trevalla fillet, tomatoes, roman beans, basil.

The interior, too, echoes the locale. Fish platters and crustacean-themed paintings designed in-house decorate the white-panelled walls. “I liked the idea of the fish swimming away from the kitchen and into the ocean,” says designer Anna Solomon, who also worked on the interior design of Moran and Sullivan’s Chiswick restaurant in Woollahra. Tones of aquamarine dominate the space – in pillars, beams and on the tiles adorning the bar, and oversized white lanterns hanging above diners’ heads mirror the bubbling white water crashing on the shore outside.

From the food to the interior, North Bondi Fish is casual, laid-back and utterly of the beach environment in which it is set. And with a cocktail list designed for beachside drinking, it’s the perfect place to sit back, relax and contemplate the ocean this summer.

Table settings of North Bondi Fish