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South Australian police figures reveal worrying levels of underage drinking in pubs

Teenagers as young as 15 are being caught drinking in pubs and clubs by police. Picture:

Teenagers as young as 15 are being caught drinking in pubs and clubs by police. Picture: Thinkstock Source: News Limited

TEENAGERS as young as 15 are being caught drinking in pubs and clubs by police, figures obtained by The Advertiser reveal.

But the figures do not represent the extent of underage drinkers on licence premises, police say.

Since 2011 officers have caught 59 minors at hotels and nightclubs and the majority of those caught - 68 per cent - were boys, according to the figures.

Police say youngsters use false identification, and look old enough, to avoid detection when entering pubs and clubs.

In one case a 13-year-old girl had sex with a man she met at a city pub. The man subsequently received a suspended sentence in court for the crime.

Licensing enforcement section boss Chief Inspector Lyn Dunstan said underage drinkers were not a prevalent problem on licensed premises although police figures do not include youngsters who are detected by hotels and nightclubs.

READ MORE: Australians drinking less than 15 years ago

Your say: What can be done to reduce under-age drinking?

“There is no legal requirement under the liquor licensing act for a licensed premises to advise police of any underage patrons they have identified or removed,’’ he said.

“So when you look at those raw figures I would suggest it is dangerous to use them as any representation across the industry of under age patrons.’’

Mr Dunstan said the sharing of information by hotels about the number of minors they detected would be helpful.

“Any information which can assist us to develop strategies to limit the harm of excess alcohol consumption by underage patrons would certainly be of assistance’’ he said.

Mr Dunstan said the police figures typically represented those incidents when officers were called to a pub or club after an underage drinker had caused a disturbance - such as fighting or property damage - requiring police presence.

However, Mr Dunstan said police undertook random checks of premises and target music festivals and other public events where under age patrons may be present.

“The rate of detection is very low, which would suggest compliance and vigilance is applied in the industry to keep under age patrons out of licensed premises,’’ he said.

Mr Dunstan said the revelation during an unlawful sex case in the District Court last month that a 13-year-old girl frequented pubs and clubs “causes considerable concern’’.

“It’s not always obvious to the responsible person — a bouncer or police officer — of the age of the person,’’ he said.

The Australian Hotels Association SA said mandatory reporting of underage drinkers by licensed premises to police would “impose an extraordinary level of bureaucracy’’ on its members.

“It’s always a challenge dealing with underage drinkers but given the number of people going out and the 6000 licensed venues in the state the industry is doing a good job,’’ the association’s state general manager Ian Horne said.

“Although that doesn’t mean a clever 13 year old can’t get through the system or a 17 year old using false identification.’’


Source: Herald Sun - 25 April 2014