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Adelaide's hotels top Aussie review list

Adelaide's hotels top Aussie review list

Adelaide reigns supreme when it comes to hotel review scores, according to data from travel website's analysis of its database of more than 950,000 Australian accommodation reviews revealed Adelaide to be the country's top city when it comes to hotels.

The South Australian capital scored 4.13 out of 5 compared to Hobart's 4.11.

Wotif's Donna Rodios said while the review scores between Adelaide and Hobart were extremely close, there could only be one winner.

"Adelaide has come out on top, with the highest score of any state capital and has been rated higher by couples than any other traveller type," she said.

Rodios said when it came to the other major cities, the scores were all fairly close.

Australian cities ranked by reviews:

1. Adelaide 4.13

2. Hobart 4.11

3. Melbourne 4.02

4. Brisbane 4.00

5. Perth 3.99

6. Canberra 3.96

7. Sydney 3.94

8. Darwin 3.88


Source: Travel Weekly - 18 May 14