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Bowling clubs are not what they were, but is it the end of the bowlo?

"It's $12 a head, no singlets, and there's grog at the bar,"  said the receptionist at Clovelly Bowling Club describing the deal on barefoot bowls to yet another caller. Food? There's a chip machine, and a BYO barbecue. 

Focused: Ferraris Renato at the Clovelly Bowling Club.

Focused: Ferraris Renato at the Clovelly Bowling Club. Photo: Janie Barrett

"Without barefoot bowls, we'd be struggling," says Peter Featon, the manager of the Clovelly club that opened in 1950 on one of Sydney's most spectacular clifftops. These shoeless bowlers spend up at the bar, which generated 70 per cent of Clovelly's $1.3 million income last year. Compared to other small clubs in the eastern suburbs, Clovelly is doing well, according to the club's annual report. 

From now until the end of summer, the club's old-fashioned diary is full of handwritten bookings for corporate parties, family get-togethers and Christmas celebrations from those who want to feel the green between their toes.  Of its 550 members, only about 200 are playing members, including lawn bowls and bocce players.

Barefoot bowling at Taren Point.
Barefoot bowling at Taren Point. Photo: Janie Barrett
In lawn bowls' heyday after World War II, there were as many as 800 NSW clubs filled with players dressed in blindingly white uniforms. Now there are 540 . As formal bowls competitions have declined in popularity and members have aged, numbers have dwindled. Picking up the slack – and the bowls – are are social and school players. About 570,000 people play regularly across Australia, says the industry's annual census. Of those, about 43 per cent play in some formal competition, while the rest are social bowlers. Back in 2001, a sports commission report found that of the 290,000 people who bowled regularly, 95 per cent played an organised game out of a club. By 2010, the number of bowlers had risen to 361,000 participants, whereasthe number of people playing in a formal competition had dwindled to 83 per cent in organised.

Not a week goes by without inquiries from operators of childcare centre who were desperate to buy a green, said Mr Featon. Other clubs such as the 100-year-old club at Waverley have been targeted for redevelopment, although plans by Eastern Suburbs League to redevelop the property were shelved this week after residents feared it would become a gaming mecca. 

The chief executive Bowls NSW Greg Helm said more than 120 clubs have closed over the past 20 years. There are now 540 in NSW.  Many are grappling with enormous land taxes on what has often become prime real estate. He cited one club that had been hit with a 1100 per cent increase in taxes as land values went up. To keep afloat, clubs have been forced to be more open and innovative. "Back in the day, you almost had to be on a waiting list to join the club, and you had to wear your whites. That's long gone, and the clubs are welcoming. Clubs are not secret societies, they are community assets," said Mr Helm.

Champion bowler Josie Ciabattoni at Clovelly.
Champion bowler Josie Ciabattoni at Clovelly. Photo: Janie Barrett

At Bondi Bowling Club, the old club has been taken over by the Panama House – which also runs The Corner House in Bondi. It will soon be selling ceviche, steak, cocktails and craft beers as the club tries to restore its fortunes after membership sank to 38. Other clubs across the state are putting on $8 schitnzel nights, fancy-dress nights on the green, amateur boxing competitions, twilight lawn bowls and Melbourne Cup functions. There'll soon be yoga and movies on the green at the old North Sydney bowlo.

Other clubs have turned to poker machines to keep afloat. St Johns Park Bowling Club earned $34.5 million from poker machines,  $7 million from sales of food and alcohol, compared to only $139,330 in memberships in the 2013 financial year. 

At Taren Point on a Friday afternoon, 29 staff from the vacuum cleaner company Dyson Appliances, whose Australian headquarters are five minutes drive away,  were relaxing with a late afternoon session of barefoot bowls. The company's financial controller Rod Dearsley said it was the second barefoot bowls event organised by the company to thank staff for their hard work.

"It' s a bit of fun, and a bit of a bonding, and it's away from work," he said. 

The winner of the award for the Best Bowling Club in NSW, Taren Point now has 300 bowling members and 5300 social members who come for events. Although the club – which used to host the Australian titles – has an active lawn bowls competition, social members supported the club. The club's manager, David Moorcroft said social bowls, including barefoot and the unofficial barefoot bowls championship, Aloha, was on the increase. He said that in the past few years, social membership has doubled while the number of bowling members has decreased 10 to 15 per cent. 

Source : Sydney Morning Herald    Julie Power     November 16th 2014