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How to hit Surfers Paradise during Schoolies and survive

Heading to Surfers Paradise during Schoolies week. Unless you’re an 18-year-old with a few bad tattoos and a taste for Midori, the very thought probably fills you with horror.

Relaxing poolside at the QT Hotel on the Gold Coast, a safe distance from any and all sch

Relaxing poolside at the QT Hotel on the Gold Coast, a safe distance from any and all schoolies revellers.

And yet, that’s exactly what we did, heading up for a sunny weekend in Surfers right when Australia’s post-high-school revellers were at their peak, drinking, partying and causing a ruckus all over the sunset strip.

And guess what: it was a chilled, relaxing, dare we say it Zen weekend away, with barely a UDL-soaked teen in sight. Here’s how we did it:

Rise early and get active

This is a no-brainer, considering the wake-up time of your average schoolie is around 2pm. Those of us in the more southern states might need to adjust our body clocks when heading up to Queensland — at this time of year, that bright Aussie sun starts streaming through the windows at approximately quarter to five in the morning. With such an early start, the Gold Coast’s long, flat expanse of beach offers ample opportunities for swimming, paddle boarding, surfing or, on land, a leisurely cycle up and down the coast.

Find somewhere great to stay

This applies year-round, but especially during Schoolies. We opted for the cute and quirky QT Hotel, which has a strict ‘No Schoolies’ policy and has so much to offer on site (including restaurants, bars and a killer pool) that leaving the hotel itself actually seems like a bit of a chore. The hotel is filled with cute little touches — free bicycle hire, in-room lemonade stands, gorgeously light and airy decor. And then there’s the spa. Oh, the spa — there’s a reason QSpa was last year voted best Beauty Therapist in Australia at the 2013 ASPA Awards.


Here’s how QT prevent light-fingered guests from swiping the good stuff.   Rooms come complete with make-your-own-lemonade stands. CA-UTE!

How QT prevent light-fingered guests

from swiping the good stuff.


Rooms come with make-your-own-lemonade

stands. CA-UTE!

Eat yourself stupid

QT Bazaar pictures supplied by QT Hotel for Gold Coast Bulletin's Taste September 8

QT Bazaar pictures supplied by QT Hotel for Gold Coast Bulletin's Taste September 8

When is a buffet not a buffet? When it’s Bazaar, QT’s biggest eatery and what’s billed as an ‘interactive marketplace’ (seriously, mention the word ‘buffet’ here at your peril). Forget all notions of limp old salads and bain-marie meat platters: this is a foodie’s paradise, with just about every possible meal option on offer. Can’t find what you like, or want to ask a question about what’s in front of you? Just chat to one of the many chefs working away behind the food stalls — they’ll cook you up something to order.


Create your own dish at Bazaar.

Create your own dish at Bazaar.

Come morning, Bazaar turns into a breakfast bar with the best build-your-own-brekkie buffet (there’s that word again) you’ve ever seen.

We also hopped on a bicycle (because a 15-minute bike ride totally reverses the effects of a third plate at Bazaar, donchaknow) and headed to the Marina Mirage Farmers Market, a wonderful newish weekly addition to what is otherwise a somewhat nondescript shopping mall in Main Beach. Every Saturday morning, the mall becomes a bustling marketplace for local produce, with each stallholder keen for an enthusiastic chat about their wares. There’s the ‘Spice Man’, who struck upon the healing powers of various herbs and spices when recovering from a car accident and is now eager to pass on what he’s learned to others.

There are the girls from Blendlove, who quit their day jobs to follow their passion for making cakes and treats that taste so good you won’t believe they’re all raw and vegan (an who tell us they regularly have to field inquisitive questions from spies wanting to know their baking secrets). Then there’s Lana’s Garden, a stall selling nothing but rhubarb-based products — including a sweet rhubarb vinegar that goes down well in a vodka tonic (trust us).

Embrace the party atmosphere … just a little

Of course, if you’re headed to Surfer’s Paradise, chances are you’ll want at least one night to let your hair down. We opted for Stingray Bar, which draws a stylish local crowd and boasts a range of over 50 tequilas (yes, there are more than 50 types of tequila in the world — who knew) and consequently makes the best margaritas you’ll find this side of Mexico.


Stingray offers a variety of cocktails ... but really, why would you go past the margarit

Stingray offers a variety of cocktails ... but really, why would you go past the margarita.

While you’re partying, you’ll probably realise why the Gold Coast has earned its reputation as being bold, flashy and just a little bit trashy — we overheard one of several Barbie-like babes at Stingray explaining to her friends that this was her last weekend of freedom before her impending nose job.

Which, after your third margarita, doesn’t actually seem that unusual a statement.

Happy Schoolies, youngsters. It was really lovely not seeing you in Surfers.


Source : News  Nick Bond   December 5th 2014

The writer visited the Gold Coast as a guest of QT Hotel.