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Victorian Food Safety Convictions Registar 2014

These are details of 2014 convictions and offences under the Victorian Food Act 1984 in accordance with section 53D of the Food Act, from the records of the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services register.

Trading Name








Salz Cafe



 Did allow a food business to operate from a food premises  while the registration is suspended





High Street Bakers & Confectioners



Summary of  27 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to take all practicable measures to process only safe food; Fail to ensure that hand washing facilities are only used for the washing of hands, arms and face; Fail to maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness where there was no accumulation of garbage, food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter; Fail to ensure food premises have adequate storage facilities for the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food, including chemicals, clothing and personal belongings; Fail to ensure that the label on packaged food included a use-by date  where the food should be consumed before a certain date because  of health and safety reasons





Namaskar India



 Summary of  9 offences under the Food Act including:Fail to maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness; Fail to store food in such a way that it is protected from the likelihood of contamination; Fail to take all practicable measures to eradicate and prevent the harbourage of pests on the food  premises; Did not maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease or other matter





Olla Messa



Summary of  9 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to store food in such a way that it is protected from the likelihood  of contamination; Fail to maintain the food premises  to a standard of cleanliness  where there was no accumulation of  food waste, dirt, grease or other  visible matter; Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings & equipment having regard to its use to a standard of cleanliness where there was no accumulation of food waste,  dirt, grease and other visible matter; Fail to ensure that the food  contact surfaces of equipment were in a  clean and sanitary condition whenever food that will come into contact  with the  surface is likely to be contaminated; Fail to maintain the food premises,  fixtures, fittings and equipment, in a good state of repair and  working order having regard to their use ;Fail to take all practicable measures to prevent pests entering the premises





Dumpling King



Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and equipment having regard to its use,  to a standard of cleanliness where there was no accumulation of garbage, food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter; Fail to ensure that a temperature measuring device was readily accessible and could accurately measure the temperature of potentially hazardous food;Fail to maintain easily accessible hand washing facilities





Glicks Cakes & Bagels



Summary of  9 offences under the Food Act including: Fail, when storing food, to store food in such a way that it was protected from the likelihood of contamination; Fail to maintain at or near each hand washing facility a supply of warm running water and soap; Fail to ensure hand washing facilities are only used for the washing of hands, arms and face; Fail to maintain the food premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment, in a good state of repair and working order having regard to their use; Fail to have walls and ceilings that were sealed to prevent the entry of dirt, dust and pests nor were they able to be effectively and easily cleaned





Tong Lok Chinese Restaurant



Summary of  14 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to maintain easily accessible hand washing facilities; Did not maintain at or near each hand wash facility single use towels or other means of effectively drying hands that are not likely to transfer pathogenic micro  organisms to the hands; Did not maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of dirt or other visible matter; Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and equipment having regard to its use, to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease and other visible matter





Dream Cakes Cafe



Summary of  14 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to take all practicable measures to eradicate and prevent the harbourage of pests on the food premises; Fail to have an effective sewage and waste water disposal system to dispose of all sewage and waste water on the food premises; Fail to have a sewage and waste water disposal system that is constructed and located so that there is no likelihood of the sewage and waste water polluting the water supply or contaminating food; Fail to ensure that hand washing facilities were clearly designated for the sole purpose of washing hands, arms and face; Fail to ensure food premises have adequate storage facilities for the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food, including chemicals, clothing and personal belongings





Mei Jing



Summary of  14 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to take all practicable measures to prevent pests entering the food premises: Fail to provide a floor that was able to be effectively cleaned; Fail to provide walls and ceilings that were able to be effectively cleaned; Fail to provide walls to the extent that is practicable that are unable to provide harbourage for pests ;Fail to provide equipment that was fit for its intended use








Fail, when processing food, to take all necessary steps to prevent the likelihood of food being contaminated; Did sell food that is unsuitable; Fail to comply with the Food Standards Code; Fail, when processing food, to take all necessary steps to prevent the likelihood of food being contaminated





Bao Bao 8 Noodle House



Summary of  25 offences under the Food Act including: Fail when storing potentially hazardous food, to store food under temperature control; Fail to take all practicable measures to process only safe and suitable food; Fail to maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness where there was no accumulation of garbage, food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter





Wealth Garden



Summary of 11 offences under the Food Act including: Fail, when storing potentially hazardous food, to store food under temperature control; Fail to maintain the food premises to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter;Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and equipment to a standard of cleanliness where there is no accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter.; Fail to maintain the food premises and all fixtures, fittings and equipment having regard to their use, in a good state or repair and working order; Did use chipped, broken or cracked eating or drinking utensils for handling food





At Beba



Food Act S35A(1)(a)  : Operate a food premises not registered with the Council on 12 June 2014





The Bottle of Milk



Summary of 13 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to maintain food premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment in a good state of repair and working order having regard to their use; Fail to take all practicable measures to prevent pests from entering the food; Fail to have facilities for the storage of garbage and recyclable matters that adequately contain the volume and type of garbage recyclable matter on the food premises





Bar Up Melbourne



Operate a food business from a food premises that is not registered with the registration authority  Food Act S35A(1)





Japanese Gourmet Kenji



Summary of  14 offences under the Food Act including: Fail to ensure hand washing facilities are only used for the washing of hands, arms and face; Fail to have an adequate supply of water if water is to be used at the food premises for any of the activities conducted on the food premises; Fail to store food in such a way that it is protected from the likelihood of contamination



