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Restaurant tips around the world: how much should you leave?

According to research, Brits leave an average tip of nine per cent. But doing the same abroad might get you in trouble...

A survey has found that the average British diner will tip nine per cent after a meal, with 87 per cent of adults claiming to always leave a tip.

The standard service charge in Britain is between 10 and 12.5 per cent of the bill. But what should you be prepared to leave your waiter in other countries around the world?


In Britain, tipping is optional, with the amount you leave generally dictated by how much you enjoyed your meal. In the US, where waiting staff typically get paid less than the minimum wage, tipping is a crucial part of their salaries. Expect to leave between 15 and 20 per cent (and to get some serious glares if you don't). Many bills will have tip suggestions calculated for your convenience.


In French restaurants, the service has to be included in the price of your meal by law. But many locals will leave some change for the garçon if they’re satisfied with their meal, even if it's just a few euros. Between five and 10 per cent of the total bill would be an approriate way to show appreciation.

Dining in Paris? Bring some change for a tip (ALAMY)


If you hate tipping with a passion, head to Australia, where it’s never been traditional – though restaurant staff working in popular tourist areas may be used to receiving them from foreign customers.


In India, tipping is known as 'baksheesh'. Most restaurants will include service in the bill, but many tourists leave a tip of around 10 per cent


Tipping is not part of the culture in Japan: if you attempt to leave one, your server may be confused or even offended. If you must do it, don’t pull out a wad of cash – put the money in a discreet envelope, and quietly give it to the recipient. Don't expect them to open the gift in your presence.

Sushi skills: don't pull out a wad of cash to tip in Japan (ALAMY)


The majority of restaurants add a 10 per cent “service fee” to bills, but don't be fooled into thinking it goes directly to the waiting staff - ask, and you’ll find that it isn’t always the case. The charge is not compulsory and some locals refuse to pay it, giving the tip directly to the waiters instead.

Service charges in Dubai restaurants don't always go to staff (ALAMY)


Thailand is another country where tipping is not mandatory, but as wages for waiting staff aren't high, leaving your small change is appreciated. A five to 10 per cent tip for good service in a high-end restaurant is not uncommon.


Leaving around 10-15 per cent is standard after a meal out in South Africa. If you're a large party, the service charge may be included, so make sure to look at your receipt.


Source : The Telegraph    May 19th 2015