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Pub smoker to cough up $800 in fines


A GRAFTON teenager's first visit to Toowoomba turned into an expensive night out.

Thomas Gregory Fallon, 18, had travelled from Grafton with family to watch his military brother march in the Toowoomba Anzac Day parade, the city's Magistrates Court heard.

About 10.50pm that night, he was caught by security staff smoking inside Fibber Magee's Irish Pub and was told to move outside.

However, instead of complying with the request, the teenager blew smoke in the crowd controller's face, police prosecutor Senior Constable Alistair Windsor told the court.

When he continued to ignore security requests, he was restrained and a struggle ensued during which Fallon threw punches at security staff which missed, Snr Const. Windsor said.

Fallon pleaded guilty to two counts of public nuisance within a licensed premises, and one each of smoking in an enclosed place and failing to leave licensed premises.

His solicitor Chris Lumme said his client accepted he was not in the designated smoking area at the time but he had been next to it.

His client had no previous criminal history at all and the incident was out of character for him, Mr Lumme submitted.

Taking into account his early pleas of guilty and that he had no history, Magistrate Graham Lee fined Fallon $800 and ordered the conviction not be recorded.  




Soucre : The Toowoomba Chrionicle       May 20th 2015