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Food Education left off the menu

The ACT Health Protection Service is inflicting significant damage to Canberra’s food industry whilst failing to address serious shortcomings in their own processes and procedures, according to ClubsACT’s Chief Executive, Jeff House.

“HPS continues to shut down Canberra’s restaurants whilst failing to act on the recommendations of the Auditor-General’s report which found serious shortcomings including inadequate record keeping and a complete absence of a formal policy or procedure to guide staff in enforcement.

“We’re now six months on from the Auditor-General’s report and despite the Chief Minister’s request in February that the Health Protection Service work closely with industry, they continue to be reactive and are failing to engage the industry to make sure they understand the new laws.

“To utilise this ‘stick’ approach so quickly without taking the time to educate or communicate to the industry on the new laws is short-sighted. Simply closing venues does not educate the broader industry of their obligations. Mr House said.

“At a meeting held with the HPS on 3 May 2012 it was revealed a comprehensive policy document regarding enforcement still does not exist and that the decision making process behind closures is not defined.

“How can you possibly be closing down venues when a document detailing how the laws are to be enforced by inspectors simply doesn’t exist?” Mr House said.

“I call on the Health Protection Service to immediately release a document which details how the laws are enforced and how inspectors make decisions in relation to the closure of venues. Surely, six months after the Auditor-General’s report told HPS to develop such a document and after multiple high-profile restaurant closures, HPS should be able to immediately release this document”.

ClubsACT does not condone poor food handling practice and understands the risks to public health however HPS must be transparent about their system of regulation and provide the industry with the tools to improve.

ClubsACT recently wrote to the Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher to suggest a number cooperative measures to assist in engaging industry and to help the sector meet its obligations.

“Canberra has a very high level of food safety and we want to see that continue. However HPS need to act on the Auditor-General’s recommendations, be proactive and work with the industry rather than simply maintaining this punitive approach. Mr House concluded.”



Source: ClubsACT, 4 June 2012