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Australian hotel rates its guests in reverse reviews

An Australian hotel group has seen staff and guest engagement soaring in six weeks by simply turning the concept of online hotel reviews upside down.

 Between April 17 and May 31 this year, Art Series Hotels gave hotel staff at its six properties in Victoria and South Australia free rein to rate their guests and post their reviews online.

 Guests who opted in were judged by individual staff's assessment with no specified criteria, but those who earned four or five stars could win complimentary stays.

 The campaign was by all measures, a resounding success, with 750 reviews generated and 210 guests winning five stars and a free night’s accommodation. 

 Group marketing director, Ryan Tuckerman, said the reverse reviews campaign was implemented to lift staff morale and showcase the Art Series Hotels’ unique edge.

 “We had such huge engagement with staff and it really helped to create a good culture and ethos around the office. You see the positive interaction with guests and a lot more chatter,” said Tuckerman.

 “This type of initiative also helps to explain what Art Series Hotels is about. We’re left of centre and think outside the square. That’s how we want to come across to consumers. We’re not your everyday hotel experience; we’re the new breed of properties.”

 The majority of guests who participated in the campaign were leisure travellers, he said, concluding: “We’re thrilled with the campaign and are looking into how we can implement this on an ongoing basis.”


Source: TTG Asia, Rebecca Elliott, June 9th 2015