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Tas restaurateur admits underpaying staff

A HOBART restaurant that helped cater for visiting Chinese diplomats and dignitaries has been reprimanded by the federal workplace watchdog for underpaying a staff member with limited language skills.

REBECCA Lin Cong admitted paying overseas workers with limited English just $11 an hour, at her restaurant Written on Tea.

She said the employees should have the opportunity to earn an income but that they didn't deserve full pay.

During a five-week period across March and April a 30-year-old Chinese woman on a working holiday visa was underpaid $3500, the Fair Work Ombudsman said in a statement on Friday.

The money has since been paid to the woman and Ms Cong has signed an agreement with the Ombudsman's office, including that an independent auditor assess her workplace practices over the coming year.

Written on Tea, which has two restaurants in Hobart, prepared hundreds of take-away Chinese meals for staff and consular officials when Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife visited Hobart in November.


Source: The Australian, AAP, June 12th 2015