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WotUSee really is what you get with new Australian hotel booking service

Have you ever booked a hotel based on the pictures online, only to find your room wasn’t as advertised?

An innovative new holiday accommodation booking service,, makes sure what you see is actually what you get, allowing you to view and choose the exact room you’ve booked. founder Rob Whyte said that in the current market, many apartments including 5 star resorts aren’t owned by international hotel chains.


“Many have individual owners, who can choose to have their property managed by the big players,” Mr Whyte said. “Each property can be furnished differently from the other so when a booking is made on their website, you don’t necessarily get the room you see.”

The website has many photos and descriptions featuring videos and floor plans and each property in North Queensland is named after a tropical flower. Booking direct with the owner saves the guest money where big hotel chains charge administration fees.

“Owners can add their properties, manage rates and availability easily and the website is easy to navigate,” Mr Whyte said.

The first properties to be listed are in Palm Cove and Port Douglas.

For more information contact:

Rob Whyte P +61 7 4059 1848

The Boutique Collection

WINNER - Best Holiday Letting Agent 2013
WINNER - Best Holiday Letting Agent 2014


Source: WotUSee Press Release, June 22nd 2015