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Shocking moment boy drinks 'pint of Guinness' in pub

A video showing a young Irish boy drinking a pint of Guinness has sparked outrage.

The boy, who is believed to be aged between seven and nine, can be seen wearing a baseball cap and a gold chain, sitting in what appears to be a pub.


"I'm drinking this Guinness all in one go, lovely Guinness, yeah," the boy says before taking a big swig of what appears to be Guinness.

After having taken a big mouthful, he puts down the glass with a sigh, looking slightly queasy.

"Lovely Guinness boys, number one," he says to the camera doing a quick thumbs up before the video ends.

The video was uploaded to LiveLeak and has received over 70,000 views.

A spokesman for Alcohol Action Ireland reportedly told Irish media the video shouldn't be watched for amusement.

“There is a child protection issue here as it seems this young boy is being encouraged to engage in this dangerous behaviour by those filming him,” the spokesman reportedly said.

“There is certainly nothing remotely amusing about endangering the health and welfare of a child in this manner.”


Source: Yahoo 7 News, July 9th 2015