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XXXX GOLD has revealed a new mid-strength addition to the family

Beer drinkers want more choice and diversity when it comes to choosing beer and XXXX GOLD has the answer.

XXXX GOLD has revealed a new beer — Australian Pale Ale. Photo: SUPPLIED

The company’s latest brew, XXXX GOLD Australian Pale Ale, was revealed today at the iconic Milton Brewery.

Cartons of the crisp-tasting beer have started arriving in bottle shops across the country ready for the official release on Monda

XXXX Gold Australian Pale Ale. Photo: SUPPLIED

The mid-strength beer is brewed with a combination of specialty malts, Amarillo hops and fermented ale yeast.

XXXX brand director Tanya Marler said the beer would continue to drive growth in the mid-strength beer category by offering people more diverse flavours and occasions in which to enjoy a beer.

“We know that pale ales are in growth and this is the first pale ale to emerge from a classic mid-strength beer such as XXX GOLD, offering drinkers a new style from a brand they know and trust,” Ms Marler said.


She said the beer had a less bitter and hoppy flavour than other pale ale styles on the market.

“Our drinkers’ tastes are evolving and they want more choice and diversity when it comes to choosing a beer. XXXX is committed to providing greater choice that suits more occasions and this new beer is an example of that.”

What’s your favourite beer? Would you be willing to give this beer a go?


Source: Quest Newspapers, Reshni Ratnam, July 17th 2015
Originally published as: 
XXXX GOLD has revealed a new mid-strength addition to the family