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Flynn’s Restaurant in Yungaburra now dog-friendly after banning kids

THE Tableland restaurant that banned children has another policy that may give some customers paws to think.

Flynn’s Restaurant at Yungaburra has started advertising that it is a dog-friendly establishment, following its controversial ban on children under the age of seven.

DOGGY DINER: Flynn's Restaurant in Yungaburra owner/chef Liam Flynn with a doggy diner. T

DOGGY DINER: Flynn's Restaurant in Yungaburra owner/chef Liam Flynn with a doggy diner. The restaurant, which outlawed children under seven early this month, says dogs are more than welcome. PIC: SUPPLIED

The kid ban was introduced following a now-famous spat restaurant owner and chef Liam Flynn had with the mother of a screaming two-year-old about three weeks ago.

Mr Flynn, who has since been interviewed by dozens of media organisations across the globe, said he stuck by the rule, but had since eased up on allowing diners of the canine variety.

“When people turned up with nice, behaved dogs, we said, ‘Hey, sure, you can sit out the front with dogs – no problem,’’’ he said.

“We’re not going to shoo people away if they’re walking their dogs and just want to have a meal and a glass of wine.”

But the award-winning chef warned the pro-dog policy was only within reason – some breeds could be told to stay home.

“Obviously if they turn up with a rottweiler or something that looks aggressive, we’ll probably say no,” Mr Flynn said.

“But some people with dogs will be welcome, and we’re just going to try and keep it like that.”


DOGGY DINNER: Flynn’s Restaurant at Yungaburra has started advertising that it is a dog-f

DOGGY DINNER: Flynn’s Restaurant at Yungaburra has started advertising that it is a dog-friendly establishment. PIC: THINKSTOCK


When asked what would happen if a potential customer had a child under the age of seven and a dog, Mr Flynn said he would still have to stand by his no-child rule, but allow the dog.

“I’d just have to say I’m sorry, but we can’t admit children under seven in this restaurant,’’ he said.

“I would be flat out with it.

“We’ve put that policy up, and I guess when you make it a policy somewhere, I think you’ve got to be seen to respect it consistently, otherwise it opens you up to accusations of discrimination.”

Yungaburra Association president Max Lewis said since Flynn’s made their dining policy public, the restaurant had been the talk of the Tableland.

“We were down at the Cairns Show on Friday evening, representing Yungaburra, and a lot of people were saying it (the policy) was a good thing,’’ he said.

“People who are looking for an intimate-type restaurant experience are totally in agreement with him, and I was talking to some young mums the other morning who were saying it was a good move, because they like to choose to go to a quiet, intimate setting.

“He’s getting a lot of support for his policy, but to a degree, we do have other people who don’t think it’s right.

“I would say there’s probably about a 60-40 (split) in favour.”

He doubted there would be other local restaurants that would follow suit.


Source: The Cairns Post, Daniel Bateman, July 21st 2015
Originally published as: Flynn’s Restaurant in Yungaburra now dog-friendly after banning kids