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Mother nearly lost baby after salmonella tea at Langham hotel

A Melbourne mother almost lost her baby after falling seriously ill with salmonella poisoning in the wake of a baby shower at the prestigious Langham hotel.
Salmonella Mum nearly lost baby

The first tier of food served at Langham’s high tea. Source: Supplied

The day after eating high tea at the five star hotel, the 29-year-old was taken to hospital where doctors delivered her baby five weeks premature, according to the Herald Sun.

The baby suffered breathing problems was put on oxygen, as is common with premature births.

His mother has been unable to touch him while she remained ill.

He is expected to be discharged within the next fortnight.

Samples of chicken sandwiches and mayonnaise are being examined by the Victorian department of health in the wake of the outbreak, which affected at least 44 people who had high tea at the hotel on July 11 and 12.

Of the 44 people affected, 15 had salmonella. Six were treated in hospital and four ­admitted overnight.

Acting chief health officer ­Michael Ackland aid he ­expected the number of cases ­related to the Langham outbreak to rise.

Salmonella is a form of gastroenteritis commonly contracted by eating undercooked poultry or eggs.



Source: The Australian, AAP, July 22nd 2015
Originally published as: Mother nearly lost baby after salmonella tea at Langham hotel