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Why Melbourne is to blame for the Nutella shortage in Sydney

NUTELLA lovers, brace yourselves — there is about to be an official shortage of the sweet spread. And Melbourne’s latest foodie craze its to blame.

The popularity of mouth watering Nutella desserts such as doughnuts and pastries in Melbourne’s cafes and bakeries has caused a shortage Ferero Australia officially confirmed reported the Hills News.

With suppliers unable to keep up with the demand for commercial-sized tubs chefs have been forced to buy the smaller tubs from supermarkets.

Ferero Australia confirmed the next shipment of the commercial-sized three-kilogram tubs shipped from Italy won’t hit Australian shores until August 7, meaning the shortage on shelves will continue until next week.

So Nutella lovers are going to have to dig deep for their Nutella treats with the cost of the hazelnut spread set to rise.

And the popularity of Nutella is only set to rise and cafes and restaurants across Australia jump on the bandwagon and incorporate Nutella into their desserts.


Source: News Limited, July 29th 2015
Originally published as: Why Melbourne is to blame for the Nutella shortage in Sydney