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Threat to penalty rates is 'WorkChoices by stealth', unions say

Bryan Kidman relies on penalty rates for up to 30 per cent of his weekly wage. 

But under changes proposed by a Productivity Commission review of the workplace relations framework, the 53-year-old hospitality worker may no longer receive much of that extra cash.

Mr Kidman, who has been working at the casino in Canberra for 12 years, says he relies on penalty rates to meet any expenses above his mortgage and bills.

Under proposals to cut penalty rates for cafe, entertainment and retail workers on Sundays – usually double the rate of their base pay – to the same level as Saturdays, he says he could lose $60 to $80 on a Sunday.

The proposals safeguard penalty rates for essential workers, including paramedics and nurses.

"Instead of double time, I'd come back to time and a half," Mr Kidman said. "Over 52 weeks of the year, that's a big deal.

"Penalty rates make the difference between being able to go out and eating, and just living. Without them, after paying the mortgage and the bills, you have nothing left."

Mr Kidman said the proposals were unfair to hospitality workers.

Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Dave Oliver said the Productivity Commission review recommendations, if adopted, would create "a second-class group of workers in the hospitality and retail sector".

Describing the proposed changes as a return to WorkChoices, he said the recommendations would also "put a handbrake on the minimum wage, make it easier to unfairly sack workers and make it harder for them to get reinstatement".

Jo-anne Schofield, the national president of United Voice, said the review appeared to be "picking workers off against one another – starting with the lowest paid and the most vulnerable in the labour market".

"Workers in hospitality and services are overwhelmingly reliant on the award," she said. "They face a double whammy of potential reductions in the minimum wage and cuts to weekend rates. The consequences will be a swelling working poor in this country.

"This chipping away at worker's rights and entitlements has been happening for some time – it may not be WorkChoices, but it's WorkChoices by stealth."

The NSW Nurses and Midwives' Association said that despite recommending penalty rates be maintained for essential services, the Productivity Commission had failed to identify whether nurses employed throughout the aged-care sector would be shielded.

The association's general secretary, Brett Holmes, said:  "It might be the shop assistants' or baristas' penalty rates under attack today, but it won't be long before nurses and midwives' penalty rates are under threat once again.

"We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with workers in other industries in fighting for their penalty rates and recognition for working unsociable hours that others often take for granted."

Innes Willox, Chief Executive of the Australian Industry Group, accused the unions of running a scare campaign about the Productivity Commission draft report.

He said the report lays the groundwork for a community discussion about the shape of Australia's workplace relations system and the changes that are needed to remove barriers to productivity improvement, competitiveness and investment.

"Australia's current system is not delivering the adaptability that employers and employees need," he said.

"Enterprise contracts would be template agreements prescribed in regulations as an agreement-making option for particular classes of employees.

"The contracts would be subject to very substantial protections including: a no-disadvantage test against the relevant award, compliance with the National Employment Standards, registration by the Fair Work Commission, a requirement that the employee genuinely agree, and an ability for the employee to opt out and fall back to the award."

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, 
Anna Patty4th August 2015
Originally published as: Threat to penalty rates is 'WorkChoices by stealth', unions say