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Newcastle alcohol campaigner welcomes extra licensed venues

A community campaigner says it is pleasing to see a doubling in the number of licensed venues in Newcastle has added to the city's vibrancy and diversity, not its crime rate.

Newcastle's night scene
Newcastle's nightlife has changed significantly in recent years. (Photo: Renew Newcastle)

A survey on Newcastle's night time economy found most people consider the city safe, and are confident they will not experience threat or harm.

The controversial earlier closing times, lock outs and drink restrictions were introduced in 2008, and have been credited with assaults dropping by a third.

Tony Brown lobbied hard for the changes and he said it is an important part of the city's transformation.

"Contrary to the industry's forecasts, there's been a doubling in the number of licensed premises in the inner-city of Newcastle," he said.

"The biggest increase has occurred in those more responsible small bars and licensed restaurants, which are employing more people than prior to 2008 when these modest conditions were introduced."

Mr Brown said the survey results are proof the city's strict liquor laws should be rolled out across New South Wales.

He said reductions in late trading hours can have a positive effect on crime rates, without ruining late night trade.

"We know that for every one hour reduction in late trading we can expect about a 20 per cent reduction in assaults.

"And these results have been replicated now in Kings Cross in Sydney, but also across Norway.

"So it's a very strong, loud and clear message for the New South Wales Government that these measure should be flowed across the whole state."


Source: ABC News, 5th August 2015
Originally published as: Newcastle alcohol campaigner welcomes extra licensed venues