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Townsville police reward non-drinking drivers with pub vouchers

Townsville police are rewarding drivers who record a zero blood alcohol reading during random roadside breath tests with a trip to a pub.

But organisers of the week-long scheme insist the drinks won't be on them.

The Townsville Liquor Accord has given local police 25 vouchers, each worth $50, to be spent in the bistro of a participating TLA licensed venue.

Each driver pulled over for an RBT between Monday and Friday this week will go into the draw for one of the vouchers if their breath test comes back with a zero reading.

A police spokeswoman said those vouchers would not be able to be used to buy alcoholic drinks.

"We aren't allowed to give alcohol vouchers," she said.

TLA president Arthur McMahon said the vouchers would be redeemable at any of the 21 TLA-aligned venues in the north Queensland city.

"It's about making people aware they can still go to the pub and be responsible," he said.

"Have a meal on us for blowing zero and we've got the 'who's Des?' program for designated drivers, who get a free soft drink or coffee if they're the designated driver for the night.

"If you don't do anything about (drink driving), it'll just get worse."

Mr McMahon conceded the incentive could rub some people up the wrong way, but said it was all about giving people a "pat on the back" if they did the right thing.

"You'll always get the negative people who say 'oh that's good, blow in a bag and get sent to a pub'," he said.

"But the whole concept is about rewarding people who have blown zero and it's to go to the pub for a bistro voucher.

"It's how they go there, how they conduct themselves and how they're prepared to go home and if we can help them in any way to achieve those points, well why not try?"

Source: Brisbane Times, Cameron Atfield, 17th August 2015
Originally published as: Townsville police reward non-drinking drivers with pub vouchers