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Peaberry Cafe sells simple sandwiches and delicious old-fashioned milkshakes

Matthew Blackmore said his goal when he opened the Peaberry Cafe in Croydon eight months ago, was for people to be able to buy good food without having to pay for the garnish.

The steady flow of regular customers is a sign the message is getting out there.

“Basically the stuff we do is no bells, no whistles, simple food, served simply,” he said.

“You’re not paying for a garnish, and I’d prefer my customers came here once a day, not just once a month.”

Mr Blackmore lives with his fiance and co-owner Lillian Chain in Croydon, “just around the corner from here”.

“It’s great, everyone waves when they go past and it’s a really friendly atmosphere, and people are already coming in with regular orders,” Mr Blackmore said.

A blackboard behind the counter spells out the simple menu, and Mr Blackmore said sandwiches for $6.50 were a big winner.

Customers are asked to “Choose a bread, Sauce it, Pick a protein, Select some salad, and Nom nom nom.”

“During the week a lot of local businesses get their coffees here and put in lunch orders, and mums and dads come by after school, and the weekends we sell a lot of brekkys,” Mr Blackmore said.

The Brekky For One ($9.90) is a fantastic option, and ticks every breakfast craving.

It includes an egg, bacon, mushroom, tomato, avocado, and toast and served simply, it is a great example of good portions and great tastes.

At $5, the house speciality for non-coffee drinkers is a chocolate milkshake.

“The secret is Hersheys chocolate topping, and an extra scoop of ice cream,” Mr Blackmore said.

“The secret is Hersheys chocolate topping, and an extra scoop of ice cream,” Mr Blackmore said.

If you come at lunchtime and want something more than a basic sandwich, the Salmon Baser ($12) is sure to tickle the tastebuds.

The open sour dough sandwich, topped with salmon, cream cheese, and rocket will definitely impress.



ADDRESS: 207A Elizabeth Rd, Croydon

OPENING: Monday to Saturday, 7am-4pm; Sunday, 8am — midday



Source: Inner West Courier, Lisa Herbertson, 24th August 2015
Originally published as: Peaberry Cafe sells simple sandwiches and delicious old-fashioned milkshakes