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Shot fired into crowded Indian restaurant in Harris Park

Police are searching for a man who fired a shot into a crowded Indian restaurant in Sydney's west overnight.

Shot fired into Sydney Indian restaurant
PHOTO: The Indian restaurant in Harris Park where the shooting took place. (ABC News: Deborah Rice)

A single shot was fired into the front window of an Indian restaurant on Wigram Street at Harris Park, shortly before 9:00pm on Tuesday.

Up to 40 people were in the restaurant at the time, but nobody was injured.

Inspector Adam Phillips said the bullet was blocked by a metal shelf.

"The frightening thing with this is that the shot that was fired ... was in a particular part of the restaurant which was extremely busy," he said. 

Police have called on the public for assistance in identifying the shooter.

Inspector Phillips said the alleged gunman knocked a woman to the ground as he fled along Wigram Street.

"[The offender] has gone around the corner of the street and this lady has been walking the opposite way," he said.

"He collided with this lady and we believe this lady ... should be able to give us a visual description of the offender."

One local resident said there was a similar incident nearby just a few months ago — though no-one was hurt then, either.

"There was someone shot across the road — or there was a shot across the road — a couple of months ago," he said.

"Why are there shootings? Why have people got guns and [are] shooting? It's unnecessary. It's ridiculous."

Inquiries into the incident are continuing.


Source: ABC News, 26th August 2015
Originally published as: Shot fired into crowded Indian restaurant in Harris Park