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Home-brand food less salty, study finds

Many Australian supermarket home-brand products contain less salt than their often more highly regarded counterparts, a new study has found.

The results surprised the researchers, who said supermarket 'private labels' were generally perceived to be of lower quality than the branded alternatives.

Excess salt in food leads to high blood pressure, and greatly increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

The George Institute for Global Health study compared the sodium content of 15,680 supermarket private-label and branded products available in Aldi, Coles, IGA/Metcash and Woolworths in Sydney between 2011 and 2013.

Categories included biscuits, bread, breakfast cereals, cakes, pastries and muffins, cheese, ready meals, crisps and snacks, and processed fish.

For the three years of the study, the average salt content of private label products was consistently lower than that of the branded equivalents, while in 2013 it was an average 17 per cent lower.

One notable exception was breakfast cereals, where the home brands were found to have 37 per cent more salt.

'This is good news, especially for families shopping on tight budgets who are more likely to buy private label products, but are also most likely to suffer from health problems caused by high blood pressure,' said lead author Helen Trevena.

The study, published in the journal Nutrients, didn't compare overall nutritional value, leading the authors to advise consumers to still judge each food product on its merits.

Private-label food salt content v branded counterparts in 2013:

- 27 per cent lower in desserts

- 24 per cent lower in biscuits

- 22 per cent lower in processed meats

- seven per cent lower in breads

- 37 per cent higher in breakfast cereals


Source; Sky News, 26th August 2015
Originally published as: Home-brand food less salty, study finds