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Law student says Melbourne bar ban gender discrimination

A REVELLER is suing a popular city nightspot for gender discrimination, claiming that he was refused entry because there were “too many guys” in his group.

Law student Joshua Findley claims he was out celebrating with three friends — two men and a woman — when, at 11pm on July 17, a security guard denied them entry to Curtin House on Swanston St.

“There is no doubt that had we all been female, we would have been let in,” Mr Findley claims in documents filed with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

“My friends and I were planning on a good night at Cookie (beer hall). Due to discrimination this was not allowed to happen.”

The disgruntled student has taken his grievance to VCAT in the hope of stopping the venue from barring men.

“There are bars … (that) have certain policies that ensure there are more women in the venue than men. Most would create another reason for refusal … In this instance, the bouncer explicitly said there were too many guys in our group,” he said.

The claim is against Curtin House Rooftop, which occupies the top floor of the complex, but it is expected the two other venues in the building and the security company will be joined to the action.

Rooftop’s Grant Gould said in an email that the group had been refused entry because two appeared intoxicated.

“I believe there may be a misunderstanding. Your group were not denied entry based on gender. I have viewed the CCTV footage and a number of male patrons do indeed gain entry. It’s evident males were not being subject to any alleged discrimination,” he said.

But Mr Findley and his two male friends have lodged affidavits saying none of the group was intoxicated and the security guard did not mention it.

Surveillance footage of the incident will be reviewed by both parties at a compulsory conference on November 12.


Source : Herald Sun    Angus Thompson   8th September 2015