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Hotel development angers residents

CHANGES to plans for a controversial plan to redevelop a hotel site on Yamba's Main Beach have not done enough to address shortcomings, say the owners of neighbouring properties.

The owners of the Surf Hotel in Queen St, Yamba, David Mayne and Janene Cattell, have resubmitted a development application to demolish the existing seven-room motel to make way for a 12-room four-storey "boutique motel" on the site.

Clarence Valley Council rejected their initial plan in February because it failed to comply with five building regulations controlling development in the area.

At Tuesday's CVC environment, planning and community committee meeting new plans which addressed the issue were tabled, although it still asked for some compromises.

The staff recommendation to the meeting was to conditionally recommend the plan and receive a contribution of $34,120 in lieu of two parking spaces.

Representatives of two neighbouring motels, Vicki Devlin from Craigmore and Paul Herman representing the Seadrift Motel, made deputations to the committee meeting.

Both claimed the new plans did not make any meaningful changes to those rejected in February.

"We acknowledge the current Surf Motel site needs a change," Ms Devlin said. "That's absolutely the right of the owners, but they need to do that within the constraints of the town planning regulations.

"If we don't bother following the regulations, what's the point of having them?

"We're just asking everyone to abide by the rules and that's not what is happing with this proposal."

The architect of the proposed building, John King, also made a deputation.

He claimed his development would "inject new energy" into a streetscape "essentially asphalt and carpark covers".

Mayor Richie Williamson said councillors were still looking for answers to some of these issues and moved to have the decision deferred to next week's full council meeting. It was passed unanimously.


Source: Daily Examiner, Tim Howard, 10th September 2015
Originally published as: Hotel development angers residents