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Aussies spend more on alcohol than education, personal care

Australians, including those forgoing meals to pay their bills, spend more on alcohol each week than they do on education and personal care, a groundbreaking study has revealed.

Households spend an average of $32.30  each week on alcohol,  more than education ($30.60), personal care ($24) and tobacco ($12.50). The outlay is only slightly less than that spent on fuel and power ($32.50).

The findings were revealed in an Australian-first study on alcohol expenditure, correlated to housing and financial situation.

The report also confirmed the long-assumed link between financial disadvantage and alcohol.

Households experiencing financial difficulty were also big spenders on alcohol, despite many resorting to missing meals or failing to pay bills on time, the report stated.

The joint Centre for Alcohol Policy Research and Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education report revealed Australians spend 1.9 per cent of their income on alcohol each week.

The report is based on the 2009-10 Australian Household Expenditure Surveys.

Lower-income households were more likely to buy alcohol from bottle shops than pubs and bars, which are significantly more expensive.

Households with two or more men, renters and those headed by 18 to 24-year-olds spent more than average on alcohol. These groups were also up to 1.7 times more likely to suffer from financial issues.

The report's authors said struggling households should consider reining in their alcohol spending, but added that this would require government support.

"Policies which target household alcohol expenditure, for instance by restricting the availability of alcohol and raising alcohol prices and taxes, may help to reduce financial hardship for some Australian households, particularly among families experiencing financial difficulties and among young people and renters," the report stated.

ARE chief executive Michael Thorn said the alcohol industry "deliberately targets" vulnerable people and communities. He advocates fewer bottle shops in lower socioeconomic areas.

"Policies that prevent the opening of bottle shops on every street corner in these neighbourhoods would have a direct impact on household alcohol expenditure, and help reduce financial hardship for many Australian households," he said.

Across the country, there were stark difference in spending depending on state and territory. The Northern Territory recorded the highest spending, at $50 a week. This was followed by the ACT and Western Australia, where about $40 each week is spent on booze. Victoria and New South Wales households spent slightly less than the national average, at $30 per week.

Compared to 11 other countries, Australia ranked seventh on alcohol spending but fifth in terms of alcohol consumption. Australian households spent more than households in the US, Britain, Denmark, Croatia and Singapore but less per week than those in Finland, Thailand, Iceland, Ireland, Norway and Sweden.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, Alana Schetzer, 12th September 2015
Originally published as: Aussies spend more on alcohol than education, personal care