3 hot tips to attract new customers through social media

Barter Card

Still wrapping your head around attracting new customers to your restaurant or hotel through social media? 

Barter Card

Bartercard lists three essentials when it comes to leveraging your brand socially.

1.  Use the latest technology to create quality content

The best social media users are sticklers for quality - this means no pixelated photos and using the latest technology and expertise to make your message stick. When it comes to images, poor lighting, positioning and styling can all break the formula for a well-shared post and erode the credibility of your brand – research and follow what the best brands are doing to meet the industry standard.


2.  Leverage influencers

If you are a start-up it can take years to build a base of followers on your own.  Tagging a well-followed brand on Instagram that chooses to add you to their feed can reach thousands of followers instantly. This not only outreaches print advertising but comes without the exuberant cost of a print ad in a newspaper or glossy magazine.  Comment, share and repost openly and frequently – you will find other brands will do the same for you.  Alternatively initiate a mutually beneficial partnership offline to reach more followers in online space.


3.  Choose platforms that support your brand

Platforms that fit your brand and feel authentic will always create better results when it comes to attracting followers and converting them into customers.  Restaurants and bars rely heavily on imagery to showcase the latest dining concept and love Instagram which has 400 million+ users.  Instagram has expanded its tools to include longer video, but also recently announced an upcoming departure from chronology-based feeds to showing posts that have the most interaction, first.  When it comes to other platforms, Facebook will support virtually any brand packing approximately 1.49 billion monthly active users world-wide (statistica.com), while Twitter is a living, breathing conversation where small snippets will lead followers to the full experience.

Want more tips like these? Download your FREE eBook below. 

Attract new customers to your restaurant or hotel, and grow your business through social media.

You will learn:

  • Social media tips and tricks
  • How to guild an online community of half a million followers
  • What makes the most successful posts


Bartercard is the world’s largest trade exchange with 24,000 members across almost every industry imaginable.  We know small business inside out and work with thousands of members in the restaurant and hospitality industry to conserve cash flow, attract new customers and grow profits.   


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April 21st 2016

Bartercard - Barter Trades, Goods & Services

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