Top Ways to Attract New Customers

The world is forever changing and standing out in a market that’s louder, faster and where customers are more discerning can be harder than ever.  Follow these tips to re-think your approach and attract new customers to your business every day. 

Change the status quo

A killer business idea starts by recognising a problem and finding a solution, but changing the status quo takes a concept to the next level by completely altering the way we do things.  It’s one of the hardest things to do, but pays off when it’s done well - consider CD stores (iTunes), libraries (Google), DVD rentals (Netflix), department stores (eBay), and in the hospitality industry - restaurants (UberEats).

What could you be doing to change the status quo in your industry?

Content marketing and SEO

The best efforts in building a brand takes a combination of direct advertising and inbound methods - content marketing and SEO. While advertising continues to be at core of selling a brand, customers research everything online so companies have shifted the way they reach their markets.  

In the past, content was the articles in newspapers or stories in magazines.  Today it’s the copy on your website, blog posts, articles, videos, social and ebooks; anything your viewers read, download or watch.

Posting relevant and reliable content will boost your search engine ranking (SEO) and let customers find you more easily online.  So it’s critical to ingrain content marketing into your SEO strategy to attract new customers.

Content marketing shouldn’t be centered on advertising your business – it’s about conveying valuable information to your target market to build trust and credibility which eventually creates longstanding customers.  Within the hospitality scene this could be cooking hacks, expert tips from the chef, inside vision or little-known facts behind favourite dishes.      

Build an online community

Although a shift online certainly isn’t new, a strategic approach combining in-store (or in-restaurant) and digital is. Consumer trends are seeing more bookings resulting directly from a combination of customers interacting at a digital level and coming into the establishment.  So creating a consistent and high-level dining experience that integrates digital is a must.  A few restaurant tips to reach customers through Instagram: launch new foods or signature beverages, post Instagram videos straight from the kitchen and create limited menu items which stand out on screens.  

Many brands on Instagram include a link in their bio that allows followers to purchase items in their Instagram feed, so spending is inextricably linked to the platform and will attract more consumers to come in.  Does your hospitality business sell anything in addition to a dining experience?  


Want more tips like these? 

Download our FREE ebook – 8 ways to attract new customers. 


15th March 2018.

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