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R&CA grant for digital business kit announced

Restaurateurs, café operators and caterers will soon be able to access tailored advice on how to develop a competitive advantage by going online.

The government recently announced that Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA) was successful in its bid for $500,000 over four years to create a digital business kit that will show the industry how embracing the digital world can increase trade.

R&CA is the first of ten industry sectors to be successful in being awarded with a piece of the $5 million budget.

The kit aims to raise awareness of NBN benefits such as integration of business IT systems with supplier systems, and cloud and digital collaboration, including video conferencing applications.

 Restaurant & Catering CEO John Hart believes the kit will deliver greater workforce productivity, better access for consumers, and increased access to new markets.

“We look forward to working with the restaurant and catering industry to achieve this,” said Mr Hart.

There are a large number of strategies that businesses will be able to use, including websites, guide sites and other applications, as well as benefit from the efficiencies and savings to operating costs.

“Through the use of digital technologies, a restaurateur could allow their customers to order and pay for their dinners through their mobile phones for example,” said Mr Hart.

The kit will be distributed to members through the Digital Business website, via email and mail (CD version) and will be promoted through workshops and an ongoing social media campaign.

To stay tuned into further developments, please like our two Facebook pages at Restaurant & Catering and Savour Australia and follow us on Twitter @RestCatering.

“Connect with Restaurant & Catering online, as we continue to promote and advocate the value of the restaurant experience and ensure our industry is recognised for its excellence and professionalism,” Mr Hart said.

The first module of the kit will be available from November 2013 at:

The full kit is expected to be ready by June 2014.



Source: Restaurant & Catering Association, 9 August 2013