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Ask for Angela campaign rolls out in South Australia

A new campaign to train bar staff across South Australia to help patrons who feel unsafe has launched this month.

Already in use in NSW, the Ask for Angela campaign began in the UK as a way for patrons to use code words if they felt at risk in hotels, pubs, clubs or restaurants.

By informing a staff member if they can “speak to Angela”, patrons will be escorted to a safer area, have a taxi called or have security staff notified.

SA Police chief inspector Richard Lambert said being able to “Ask for Angela gives people another option to ask for help without putting themselves at further risk”.

Attorney-General Vickie Chapman said the campaign aided patrons of either gender who couldn’t get out of a situation on their own.

“They may be in the company of someone that they want to walk away from, they may be worried about leaving the premises, they may be worried about some uninvited sexual advance,” she told The Advertiser.

“They may be worried that something has been added to their drink by another patron, these are all circumstances where someone might think I need help.”



Sheridan Randall, 6th November 2018