Plans for new bar and restaurant at Canberra Centre
The Canberra Centre is looking to open a new restaurant and outdoor dining space along the southern end of Bunda Street by amalgamating two small tenancies and a storeroom into one larger space.
Queensland Investment Corporation has put in a development application for the $650,000 project which aims to improve the quality of the streetscape.
“The facade treatment and new awning will create a point of interest and improved urban amenity along Bunda Street and integrate this facade with more recent Canberra Centre developments,” the DA states.
“The resultant activation of Bunda Street will have a positive impact on the quality of the public realm in the vicinity of the site. The new facade and awning will add character to the building and provide a more integrated design to correspond with other Canberra Centre developments along Bunda Street.”
Sheridan Randall, 31st January 2020