Salmonella scare closes Melbourne restaurant after diners fall ill

More than a dozen people have fallen ill after eating at a Melbourne restaurant that has been shut down after a salmonella scare.
Health authorities closed the Hao Phong restaurant in Footscray on Tuesday after two diners were taken to hospital for salmonella poisoning, a Victorian health department spokesman said.
The Maribyrnong city council confirmed a number of people had fallen ill after eating at the restaurant between December 27 and 31.
There were up to 13 suspected cases involving people who ate at the restaurant, the council confirmed.
Maribyrnong’s mayor, Grant Miles, said it was worrying for those who had eaten at the restaurant but that the incident was being well managed.
"Health inspectors are working with the owners to bring the restaurant back up to standard for re-opening," Miles told AAP.
"It's absolutely worrying, even if it is well over a week ago. If you ate at the restaurant and have flu-like symptoms I would encourage you to go and see a doctor."
Miles said the restaurant had never had an incident of this nature before and was popular with locals.
Food cooked at the restaurant was taken away for testing and all implements that had come into contact with contaminated food were destroyed.
The premises were closed for a thorough clean-up but would open early next week. Miles said Hao Phong would not re-open until the council was satisfied it met health regulations.
There were only two confirmed salmonella cases at the moment, he said.
The investigation is ongoing and the council is currently considering what further action should be taken, including prosecution.
Source: The Guardian - 8 January 2014