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Hotel and tourism bodies look to unite to create one national voice

The President of Australian Hotels Association (AHA), Scott Leach and the President of Accommodation Australia AA Julian Clark have confirmed that AHA, AA and Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) are joining forces to create one united, nationwide voice to help out the struggling accommodation industry.

The Accommodation Association, Australian Hotels Association and Tourism Accommodation Association operate as three separate, but recognisable bodies (TAA operates as a division of the AHA). 

Leach said representatives from each of these associations have been meeting "behind the scenes".

“This working party is making progress and we remain confident of finally bringing the AHA, TAA and AA together at this crucial time for our industry,” he said.

With over 5,000 members across Australia, AHA  is serviced by a multitude of branches that are found in every state and territory. There is also a National Office based in Canberra.

The Accommodation Association represents almost 3,500 hotels across the Australia.

Both the AHA and AA have been lobbying state and federal governments in an effort to make sure there is enough support for the accommodation sector since the pandemic hit.

Julian Clark, president of Accommodation Association said they were now combining their efforts in hope to help out the sector. 

“A small working party has been put together to work on new model representing one clear national voice for the accommodation sector,” he said.



Irit Jackson, 9th August 2020