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Brett Sutton under fire for withholding quarantine email

Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton will be recalled to Victoria’s hotel quarantine inquiry after it was found a critical email was withheld by his lawyers that contradicts his sworn evidence.

In his initial evidence to the inquiry, Mr Sutton stated he was not told about the use of private security guards at the hotel until well after the scheme began.

It is now alleged Mr Sutton instructed lawyers to withhold a contradictory email.

Evidence of the alleged deception came to light after inquiry Chair and former judge Jennifer Coate held a special hearing on Tuesday.

Mr Sutton was asked to clarify his previous evidence after Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) lawyers noted an employee had raised concerns over relevant emails that had not been submitted. The emails dated 27 March, highlight Professor Sutton’s exchange with regard to the use of private security.

Professor Sutton stands by his initial evidence, saying he was unaware of the use of private security until May and that he did not need to clarify himself because he did not read the details of the emails and so they did not need to be provided.

“Professor Sutton further instructed us that he did not consider he needed to clarify his evidence and therefore the email did not need to be provided to the Board for that reason,” the email from the DHHS to the inquiry said.

The March emails were requested Thursday last week and have now been tabled to the inquiry. They show Department of Home Affairs official Sandra Jeffery, asking Professor Sutton to provide details of quarantine arrangements in Victoria.

They also show Professor Sutton asking DHHS deputy director strategy and policy, Braedan Hogan, to respond and copy him in and that Mr Hogan told Ms Jeffery that “private security is being contracted to provide security at the hotels with escalation arrangements to (Victoria Police) as needed”.

On receiving the email, Professor Sutton replied with the words: “thanks so much, Braedan”.




Irit Jackson, 21st October 2020