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New app helps improve workers’ rights

After it came to light that many hospitality workers have been severely underpaid, two of Australia’s unions are helping Australian workers stand up for their rights with the help of artificial intelligence. 

Workers can now access information relating to pay, hours and can even be given assistance with claims for bullying and sexual harassment.

The Mobilise App is a collaboration between Hospo Voice and the Australian Council of Trade Unions, and in the past few months it has already assisted some workers in receiving a substantial amount in backpay. 

Sally McManus, secretary of ACTU, said the app would assist in bringing the union, that is built around sharing knowledge, into the 21st century.

“This is a great new resource which will give workers across hospitality access to critical information which can be constantly updated and improved,” said Ms McManus 

“Working people will always be innovating and finding new ways to help each other. This is new technology, but it has a very long and proud history in our movement. 

The Mobilise app is based off an American app named WorkIt which was very helpful in assisting Walmart employees.

The app is based on IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence program.

It is designed to be able to answer around 200 common questions Walmart employees may have in relation to their rights, benefits, and company policies.




Irit Jackson, 7th December 2020