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Accommodation industry: pro-business vision

The accommodation industry is enthusiastic about the pro-business pledges which have been made by Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott in his Budget Reply speech.

The Accommodation Association of Australia says the initiatives have the potential to engender much-needed confidence in the industry and tourism more broadly.

"The accommodation industry welcomes the announcement that, should the Coalition win the federal election, the Minister responsible for small business will be in Cabinet as part of the Treasury portfolio," said the Association's Chief Executive Officer, Richard Munro.

"This will ensure that small business has a strong voice when major policy decisions are made.

"It actively demonstrates that the Coalition empathises with the many challenges that are facing small businesses and has a plan to work with these businesses - of which there are many in the accommodation industry - to overcome them."

The Accommodation Association is also pleased about the Coalition's commitments to tax reform and the proposal to delay the increase in compulsory superannuation.

"While businesses in our industry are in favour of lifting the minimum level of superannuation, putting this off for two years will give operators much-needed additional time to prepare and budget for this significant change," Mr Munro said.

"The commitment to tax reform is also positive and the accommodation industry looks forward to contributing to this important process, should the Coalition win the election.

"Meaningful tax reform will reduce costs for operators of accommodation businesses."



Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 17 May 2013