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Tassie hospitality boosts through May conferences

The Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, Scott Bacon, today welcomed news that conferences around Hobart this week have seen hotel occupancy around the CBD reach more than 90 per cent.

"We're expecting nearly 3,000 delegates will head to Tasmania this month as a result of conferences that are going to be held around the state," Mr Bacon said.

"In addition, many are likely to bring a spouse, partner or family member – providing a significant boost to the local tourism and hospitality sectors in what's traditionally the quieter time of the year.

"This week, Hobart is hosting the Alzheimer's Association of Australia conference for 2013 – bringing some 840 conference delegates to Hobart.

"This conference alone is contributing close to 3000 room nights, with an estimated direct economic impact of more than $2.5 million.

"There's also the flow-on effect, with many delegates spreading the word about Tasmania on their return home - recommending a visit to our magnificent state to their friends and relatives.

"The Tasmanian Government remains a strong supporter of events in the off-peak season, which helps support our tourism and hospitality sectors.

"Through Business Events Tasmania, we continue to fund the Meet in Tasmania Incentive Scheme – which offers cash incentives to organisations looking to host a business event in Tasmania between May and August.

"We will continue to work with Business Events Tasmania, Tourism Tasmania and the broader hospitality and tourism sectors on ways to help deliver visitors during the quieter, winter months."



Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 17 May 2013