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Accor announces its second reconciliation action plan

Accor Asia Pacific, the largest hotel group in Australia continues to honour its commitment to increasing Indigenous employment and fast-tracking the careers of talented individuals into leadership roles with the proposed launch of its 2nd Reconciliation Action Plan.

As a result of Accor's inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which was launched in 2011, Accor recruited 120 new Indigenous employees in 2012 taking the headcount to 3.2% of Accor's workforce, equating to over 250 Indigenous employees in the business.

With a commitment to actively seeking, training and hiring Indigenous employees, Accor held 20 Indigenous Employment Training Programs around Australia in 2012 which saw the successful employment of over 100 Indigenous career seekers employed in a variety of positions within Accor.

In 2013, Accor's vision of accelerating Indigenous talent for supervisory development and leadership roles will be a primary focus for the 2nd Reconciliation Action Plan and with the support of Reconciliation Australia and key partners, Accor is again set to be a pioneering force in bridging the equality gap.

"We are proud of what we've achieved through our Reconciliation Action Plan and are particularly pleased with the fact we've surpassed our target of having a 3% Indigenous workforce. It is our goal for 2013 to have 300 Indigenous employees at Accor," said Simon McGrath, Chief Operating Officer of Accor Pacific.

"Working with Reconciliation Australia along with a number of other valued organisations including Andrew McEvoy, CEO of Tourism Australia, Toby Hall, CEO of Mission Australia, Jack Manning Bancroft at AIME, John and Ros Moriarty from the Jumbana Group, Supply Nation and David Liddiard from Corporate Connect AB has had an enormous impact on our program and we thank them for their continued support."

Reconciliation Australia continues to play a vital role in its partnership with the Accor Group and Leah Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer acknowledges the contribution of Accor in its commitment to Reconciliation.

"By recommitting to the RAP program, Accor is one of over 300 organisations that are committed to turning their good intentions into mutually beneficial actions that align to their core business objectives.

"Accor's commitment to engage with Aboriginal owned businesses through real business contracts is another way that Accor is driving real opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and we wish Accor the best for the year ahead".

For the past 13 years Accor has been widely recognised for its involvement in Indigenous employment programs and community groups.  Last year Accor was awarded the 2012 Corporate Partner Award by the Aboriginal Employment Strategy for its positive contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the local community. From 2003-2006 Accor won the Corporate Leaders Award for contribution to the Indigenous Employment Program.

With its commanding position in the tourism sector, Accor is proud to take a leadership role in developing life and work opportunities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians with the support of Reconciliation Australia, Tourism Australia, Mission Australia, Jumbana Group, Lani Blanco Francis, Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME), Corporate Connect AB, Ayres Rock Resort, Supply Nation and the NRL.



Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 31 May 2013