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AMWU: Simplot closure would be "catastrophic"

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the closure of a food processing plant in Bathurst would have "catastrophic" impacts on the community.

Simplot says the plant may close next year because it can not compete with cheap imported products.

The union says it is very disappointing the 170 permanent workers employed at the plant were not given any prior warning before the announcement was made.

The State Secretary Tim Ayres says the closure of the plant would be bad news for the whole region.

"If Simplot move to closing down their Bathurst operations that's going to have a catastrophic effect on the economy in Bathurst," he said.

"It's going to hurt 200 workers and their families and it's going to have a very tough effect on farmers and growers who rely on the Bathurst facility to get their product to market."

The union is calling on the state and federal governments to step in to save the food manufacturing industry in New South Wales, before it collapses completely.

The Simplot announcement comes just months after the Windsor Farm Foods cannery in Cowra closed its doors, shedding 70 jobs.

Mr Ayres says the government needs to do something.

"If the Bathurst operation closes down, that means there will be no more canning capacity in New South Wales, whatsoever," he said.

"This is a very important issue for the New South Wales government and for the federal government.

"We need a regional response and we need a serious commitment from government to engaging with Simplot and making sure we can find a solution to this problem."

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says it will spend the next two months pushing to keep the food manufacturing plant in Bathurst open.

Simplot says it will be meeting with government representatives, union members, suppliers and employees over the next two months to try to find ways to make the plant viable.

Mr Ayres says he will be fighting to keep it open.

"We're going to be absolutely engaged over the course of the next eight weeks with Simplot, with growers and with the community," he said.

"I want to make sure that this isn't just a cost cutting exercise by the Simplot multinational company.

"That we're building a future together and make sure that this very important facility maintains its place in New South Wales and in Bathurst."



Source: ABC News, 6 June 2013