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Fair Work Ombudsman in Griffith this week

The Fair Work Ombudsman will visit Griffith this week to help employers and workers learn more about their workplace rights and responsibilities.

Senior Fair Work Inspector, Darren Lang, will be available to answer questions about pay, conditions and other aspects of workplace laws during two free information sessions at the Griffith City Library, on Banna Avenue.

The first session will take place on Thursday, 20 June, from 4pm to 7pm.

A second session will be held on Friday, 21 June, from 9am to noon.

The Fair Work Ombudsman encourages workers and employers who would like to discuss their workplace rights or obligations to drop into one of the sessions to obtain some free advice. Appointments are not required.

Information on a range of topics will be available at the sessions, including general employee entitlements, workplace discrimination and the difference between casual and permanent employment.

The initiative is part of a Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Program being run by NSW Legal Aid in conjunction with the Fair Work Ombudsman and other organisations.

Mr Lang said the visit is aimed at raising awareness among employers and employees in Griffith of national workplace laws, including the National Employment Standards and modern awards.

“A big part of the Fair Work Ombudsman’s role is to help build knowledge in the community about workplace laws and to help create fairer workplaces,” Mr Lang said.

“Opportunities like this to speak directly to employers, employees, and people who may be about to start a new job or be a future employer, are an important way to help achieve that.”

Employees and employers seeking further support should get in touch with the Fair Work Ombudsman via the website - - or call the Infoline on 13 13 94.

A free interpreter service is available on 13 14 50, and information on the website is translated into 27 different languages.



Source: Fair Work Ombudsman, 17 June 2013