Australia! You're doing it wrong!

Earlier this month, VEGEMITE asked its fans ‘How do you VEGEMITE?’ and we had a MITEY response of HAPPY LITTLE VEGEMITE’s revealed:

➔ 89.4% of Australians surveyed said their favourite way to eat VEGEMITE is on toast.
➔ 718 of the survey participants shared the ways that they enjoy their VEGEMITE - from pastas and curries to stews and casseroles… to cauliflower soup!


Introducing, Giovanni who is a Pizza Chef from Rosa’s Pizza in Brooklyn, New York- and says Australians have been doing it all wrong by sticking to toast all these years!

Giovanni has been showing Aussies how he uses VEGEMITE Squeezy in pizza, as well as encouraging Aussies to share how they cook with VEGEMITE. 

Want to try making a VEGEMITE pizza?

New York Inspired VEGEMITE Pizza

Prep Time: 5 mins | Cooking Time: 10 mins | Serves: 2


What you’ll need:

  • Pizza base
  • VEGEMITE Squeezy*
    (or VEGEMITE of your choice)
  • Pizza Sauce
  • Dairymont Mozzarella

Vegemite Squeezy

Dairymont Shredded Mozzarella

How to make:

  1. Preheat the oven about 220-250˚.
  2. Take your pizza base and spread your Pizza Sauce evenly.
  3. Squeeze your VEGEMITE Squeezy over your pizza to your liking! Top with Dairymont
  4. Mozzarella and bake so that the mozzarella has melted and browned nicely. *Chefs kiss*


Enjoy and don’t forget to tag your creation on social media with @vegemite and #TastesLikeAustralia




9th November 2021

Bega Foodservice

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