Peerless for Bakery
With the purchase and continued development of the Market Leading EOI bakery brand and range, Peerless are well positioned as the unquestionable Industry Benchmark in manufacturing and marketing the highest quality bakery fat ingredients available.
The EOI brand has been the proven market leader over the last 20 years in the bakery industry and is seen as the innovator of products in this market. Combining quality ingredients and high performance results, the EOI range consistently delivers premium bakery products.
Our bakery range includes:
- Cake Margarines
- Cake Shortening
- Pastry Margarine
- Pastry Shortenings
- Shortpaste Margarines
- Bread Products
- Confectionery Shortening
- Creaming Shortenings
- Donut Shortening
- Topping / Fillings
- Ready-to-use pastry rolls
- Ready-to-use pastry shells