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Valentine’s Day campaign for top Australian restaurants

Australia’s top Australian restaurants are planning a Valentine’s Day with a difference this year.

As always, V-Day is usually one of the busiest days of the year for the industry.

But this year, restaurants around the country have joined the campaign A Table To End Hunger.

It will see the non-profit organisation The Hunger Project asking foodies and couples to help raise money for famine-stricken communities overseas, all done while enjoying a meal with their partner.

How do they do it?

By securing the right to bid on a table on the night of February 14. The highest bidder wins a table.

More than 65 restaurants across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide have joined the campaign, donating a table for two, along with a meal and a bottle of wine. Restaurants joining the campaign this year include Melbourne's Toko, Perth's Wildflower to Canberra's EightySix and Sydney's Bennelong.

 All proceeds will go to programs helping the poorest and most marginalised people in Africa, India and Bangladesh.

It will be the second event for the Hunger Project. Last year, it raised $10,000 and it hopes 2017 will be even better. 

Mel Bergin, the Head of Marketing and Partnerships at The Hunger Project said the project has tripled the number of restaurant partnerships this year.

 “We are blessed to be able to live in an amazing country like Australia, to enjoy good food, drink clean water, be able to send our children to school, have access to great healthcare and the long list of other privileges we have,” Ms Bergin told

“We shouldn't feel guilty about this, but rather see it as an amazing opportunity to help others less fortunate.”

“We want to encourage Australians to get involved and understand that as an individual and global citizens, we can all play a role in the end of hunger.”

by Leon Gettler, January 31st 2017